1. Is Mark Twain For Or Against Imperialism? Why?

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1. Is Mark Twain for or against Imperialism? Why? As you read the document, Twain is against the idea of Imperialism. He believes that certain territory the U.S. should not be in. Twain feels that the practice of imperialism has gotten us into bigger problems. Mark twain believed strongly in democracy and that everyone should be free. 2. What are two aspects of the U.S. Imperialism that twain disagrees with? The two aspects of U.S. imperialism that twain disagrees with are the way the U.S. has used Imperialism to try and rule other countries, while only exploiting them. He also the resentment against the natives. 3. Does twain think the Unites States acting as a “protector” of certain nations is acceptable? Cite specific evidence from the

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