Dig The Dirt: A Short Story

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Afraid to Dig the Dirt I was next to bat, and I swear I could feel my heart in my throat. Everything became silent, except the cheers of the 11 girls out in the dugout. They were like the geese that Covey talked about “the geese in the back honk to encourage those in the front” (Covey 182). I stepped up to the plate, looked straight into the dragon’s eyes and showed no fear! As the dragon buffed up to throw flames I took a breath. I was at peace with myself, I was confident thanks to the 11 girls behind me. The pitcher threw the ball, I took a power step and BAM! I hit the ball to right field and ran as the outfield chased the ball. The crowd hit me with strong cheers and loud screams. I ran through first base, then second, when I finally…show more content…
The battle was between the catcher, the third basemen, the pitcher, and me. I can already see disappointment if I fail this. My next moves depended on the next batter. A blonde haired girl, long and skinny came stepping to the plate. Oh no, not Selina. She hasn’t hit a single ball pass the inner field. My “digging” game was at rock bottom by now. Then I thought to myself, “Why am I doubting my own team mate when not once has she doubted me”? As Covey states “… there’s plenty of success to go around. It’s not either you or me. It’s both of us” (Covey 152). So then it hit me and I shouted “Go Selina! You got this! We believe in you!!” Then she looked at me, tilted her helmet and smiled. At that moment I knew she was ready. The ball came and she switched her position to Bunning. She ran through first to land on second base. She looked at me with confusion as she mouthed the words “why didn’t you slide”? I was disappointed in myself, I’ve been playing for 2 months now and I was still afraid to slide. My coach asked for a time-out. I cried at the thought of her and my team mates screaming at me, but they didn’t. They came with such comfort, they still didn’t doubt me. My coach said “you can do this, be the Ashley who was never scared of getting dirty. Win or lose these 11 girls and me will always be by that dug-out screaming and cheering you on, so go out there and make one for the team!”. The umpire screamed “play!” and the game

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