Differences Between Congress And The Senate

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The House of Representatives and the Senate were created to have separate functions and roles. The Founding Fathers did this on purpose, in order to keep a system of "checks and balances", and not become to powerful. The U.S. Constitution outlined the responsibilities of Congress and the Senate. The key differences between the both are constitutional powers and legislative and committee procedures. In Congress, they have many responsibilities that essentially affects every American. According to the Constitution, Congress has the power to tax, credit, and produce currency; regulate Commerce; provide infrastructure of roads and Post Offices; promote innovations and promote and secure infringement rights; provide, execute, compensate, and regulate military forces and appointed officers; approve war, issue warrants and retributions, in some cases, regarding to piracy and offences against the United states; create courts that are lower that do not involve the Supreme Court; and, to pass…show more content…
The Senate is responsible for also sharing the responsibility of passing bills. Once the House passes the bill, it must go through the Senate floor. In addition, the Senate has committees that review the bill. Senate has 16 existing committees, and four committees they share with the Congress: Library of Congress, printing, taxation, and economic. Bills that do survive the process of going through the subcommittee and full committee, still need to be voted by the Senate. The key differences is Senate can make amendments or implore to use the filibuster method. Another difference is, Senate has the power to impeach. Another function the Senate house is the function in confirming and approving appointees by the President of the United States, that will hold seats in the U.S. Supreme Court or political positions. The Senate is also responsible for approving treaties by providing two-thirds vote ("3 Briefing on
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