Difference Between Centralization And Decentralization

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9. Centralisation : Fayol believed in centralisation. He, however, did not contemplate concentration of all decision making authority in the top management. He, however, held that centralisation and decentralisation is a question of proportion. In a small firm with a limited number of employees, the owner-manager can give orders directly to everyone. In large organizations, however, where the worker is separated from the chief executive through a long scalar chain, the decision making authority has to be distributed among various managers in varying degrees. Here one generally comes across a situation of decentralisation with centralised control. The degree of centralisation and decentralisation also depends on the quality of managers. 10.…show more content…
Esprit de Corps : Cohesiveness and team spirit should be encouraged among employees. It is one of the chief characteristics of organized activity that a number of people work together in close coopearation for the achievement of common goals. An environment should be created in the organization which will induce people to contribute to each other's efforts in such a way that the combined effort of all together promotes the achievement of the overall objectives of enterprise. Fayol warns against two enemies of esprit de corps, viz. (i) divide and rule, and (ii) abuse of written communication. It may work to the benefit of the enterprise to divide its enemy but it will surely be dangerous to divide one's own workers. They should rather be welded in cohesive and highly interacting work-groups. Overreliance on written communication also tends to disrupt team spirit. Written communication, where necessary, should always be supplemented by oral communication because face-to-face contacts tend to promote speed, clarity and…show more content…
Management is essential wherever group efforts are required to be directed towards achievement of common goals. In this management conscious age, the significance of management can hardly be over emphasized. It is said that, anything minus management amounts to nothing. Koontz and O' Donnel have rightly observed "there is no more important area of human activity than management since its task is that of getting things done through others." The significance of management in business activities is relatively greater. The inputs of labour, capital and raw material never become productive without the catalyst of management. It is now widely recognized that management is an important factor of growth of any country. The following points further highlight the significance of management : 1. Achievements of group goals : Management makes group efforts more effective. The group as a whole cannot realise its objectives unless and until there is mutual co-operation and co-ordination among the members of the group. Management creates team work and team spirit in an organization by developing a sound organization structure. It brings the human and material resources together and motivates the people for the achievement of the goals of the

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