Definition Essay: Who Is My Hero

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Iron Man is a suit of armor. Captain America is a super soldier. Daredevil is a formidable fighter. And Black Widow-well, she is another superhero. Some people think heroes only exist in movies or comic books, but we also have heroes in real life. Even though it seems uncommon for individuals to do heroic actions, heroes represent people who do selfless acts for the less fortunate, overcome adversity, and inspire others. When we were young our heroes represent fictional characters: Superman, Thor, Spiderman, Robin Hood, The Avengers, these define our heroes. As children we dreamt of being their sidekicks fighting alongside them to save the day. People not aware that heroes exist and walk among us every day. Heroes can be someone in our classroom,…show more content…
Kody my boyfriend symbolizes just one of my heroes; he dedicates his time as a volunteer firefighter and a paramedic. Sweeping the inside of the burning building, roof collapsing, and fire consuming the lower level of the building. He has saved many lives from rescuing individuals from burning fires to cutting into cars to save an individual from a horrific car accident. My boyfriend also takes time to volunteer for festivals and work on the medical team. One of other heroes represents my friend Devin, and Devin lost his life trying to save a couple whose truck fell into an enormous hole. His selflessness, bravery, and dedication will always be remembered by many individuals. Other real life heroes resemble police officers and military men and women. I believe that heroes involve individuals who transform compassion into a heroic action. In doing so, heroes put their best selves forward in service to society. I also think heroes describe someone in our eyes that reflect as extraordinary, they stand out. They appear as our role models and in our minds worthy of our admirations. Parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, spouses, or friends can be our

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