Definition Essay On Wellness

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The definition of wellness or what it means to be “well” is different for everybody. Some base it off of financial stability. Others define wellness in terms of social standing or even occupational position. Still, some think its about the mental aspect, and being well to them is being physically and emotionally healthy. In truth, wellness cannot be simplified and categorized under one specific area. In fact, wellness contains many different categories: occupational, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, and environmental. This past Saturday I attended a Hope College cross country meet with a group of other basketball players as volunteers to help with directing the runners, filling up waters and handing them out. Although I was not thrilled about being there, the ten a.m. start being the main deterrent, it ended up being kind of fun and I'm glad I went. Seeing my fellow peers compete in a sport that’s not as well known as the more popular sports like football or basketball, opened my eyes to their hard work and dedication to their own sport.…show more content…
Giving up my Saturday morning to hand sweaty runners water allowed me to give back and connect with the Hope athletic community. Also, I got the chance to better get to know some of the guys I will be playing with this winter. Something as simple as filling up waters to try and please a hoard of thirsty, and potentially puking, runners led to a sense of camaraderie and thus some team building occurred. In, addition, I got to interact with a host of athletic trainers as well as our athletic director Mr. Schoonveld. These relationships will prove to be vital down the road as basketball season rolls around and as the years go

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