Syria Is Emptying By Liz Sly: Article Analysis

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Liz Sly’s article “Syria is emptying”, helps to prove my point that things are increasingly worsening and that something has to be done. Syrians are fleeing their nation at a rapid pace. While trying to get out of Syria, they have endured cruel conditions before even having a chance to get out. Syrians are trying to avoid the devastation spreading across their country. Causing one of the largest migrations in Syrian history. So far this year, there has been a rapid increase in the amount of Syrians that have fled their country to find a safe haven in Europe. Of the 381,000 migrants and refugees that have sought sanctuary in Europe at least half of them are Syrians; this number has nearly doubled since the year 2014. This means that at least 190,501 people out of the 381,000 are Syrians that have left the country so far this year. These numbers are still growing since the year is still not over yet. Countries do not have the funds to help all the people leaving…show more content…
Hordes of Syrians are bundled together and spilling out on to the streets at a Turkish port in the city of Izmir, trying to get a ride on a flimsy boat to Greece. This means that hundreds of people are willing to endure being crammed together just to get out of Syria right now. Syrians are prepared to risk the chance of drowning in the middle of the sea for a chance at a safer life. Mohammed, a man trying to leave Syria, scaled three mountains with his pregnant wife in order to get across the Turkish border and make it to a city called Aleppo. Once Mohammed and his wife got close to the border, instead of being welcomed, they were shot at. This illustrates exactly how much people are willing to risk to escape the country of Syria. Mohammed was chancing his own life, his wife’s life, and the life of his unborn child just to live in a war free zone where his child could get an

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