Death Essay: Does Death Means The End?

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Does Death Means the End? It is true that death is probably the saddest thing that could happen to our loved ones. As a matter of fact, thinking about this idea can bring many feelings such as fear, sadness and loneliness. It will be always hard to discuss when it comes to topics like death. Since early ages and human kind tries to explore and have a better understanding of death, and even with the modern technology and advanced medicine, we still unable to understand such phenomena. Thus, death has a strong relationship with negativity, it might affect our lives positively. Although we all might die someday, we still refuse and deny that idea. However, what if we knew the day when we will die, would that make any difference? We all know that death has multiple effects on us. For example, when someone dies, we…show more content…
It's common sense that fear is the biggest enemy of humankind. However, fear of death eliminates those other feelings, for both humans and animals. Let take for example a situation when death motivate us to live. When someone is drowning, we see that he does whatever he can to float on the sea and survive. Even though he knows that he can’t swim. Same thing for animals. Fear of death can push us to do some incredible things that science cannot explain. When we come to a decisive choice in our life, people used to tell us “think of it as a matter of death and life.”, In other words, we have to do our best and push ourselves to the limits. As a matter of fact, they remind us of that fear, and unconsciously put our minds in a state of alert. Being fearless isn’t always a good thing. In fact, being fearless and courage are two different things. Professional athletes and players always recommend to have a certain percentage of fear. That fear can help us to be conscious and do even better. However, too much fear can destroy us, and makes life even harder. So, indeed, death isn’t always
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