Villains In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Many would not believe in real life heroes and villains. People think they are all “super-human”, or have some type of special power, but the truth is, anyone can be a hero or a villain. A hero could be someone who positively affects others, whether it is from their natural sense of kindness, or possibly their determination towards the greater good. However villains are very similar in the aspect of affecting others. Villains will cause negative impacts on the lives of others. These negative effects could be as minor as being rude, or a lot more extensive. Heroes and Villains do exist, and they affect an abundance of people in many ways. In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird”, by Harper Lee, it is a growing young girl, named Scout, whose…show more content…
An example of a “villain” in the novel is Bob Ewell. Bob is an all around sloppy, drunken, abusive man. As said by Atticus (Scout’s father), Bob is known for being a very bad man, “...when a man spends his relief checks on green whiskey his children have a way of crying from hunger pains” (To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 3, Page 41). Not only does Bob starve his children, but he also abuses his daughter, Mayella Ewell; this time, leaving bruises and marks all over her. Somehow, Bob proves to be even more of a scoundrel and falsely convicts a man of his crime. This man is Tom Robinson, a black man, who was working on the Ewell’s farm. Mr. Ewell is sure to bring Tom’s skin color into play when accusing him, “"--I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin' on my Mayella!" (To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 17, Page 231). This…show more content…
People with similar, if not the same morals, are all over Maycomb County. Growing up in this type of environment can lead to substantial amounts of changes to a person, especially a growing child like Scout. Because she’s so young, she doesn’t know any better; like when she uses the same offensive slang as the “villains” while asking her father a question, “Do you defend niggers, Atticus?” (To Kill a Mockingbird, Chapter 9, page 99). Although she did not know just how offensive she sounded, it could have all been avoided if the villainous influences of people like Bob Ewell were not present. This just goes to show how much Scout was altered by them. Although there seems to be a plethora of evil in Maycomb, it’s completely imperfect. There are some people who can be looked at as “heroes” also. One of these silver linings in a town full of racist, moraless, people, is Atticus Finch. Atticus, as said to be the father of Scout, is one of the few advocates for equal rights in the black community. The thing that makes him so special is that he’s

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