David And Goliath: Fighting Giants

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David and Goliath: Fighting Giants Introduction: There aren't many people who don't know the biblical story of David and Goliath. The battle between the two has been told for many years and will continue to be passed down from generation to generation. It's seen as a classic story that focuses on the faith, we as Christians have to overcome and put our trust in and keep our focus on Christ. This biblical story about David and Goliath teaches us numerous lessons and allows us to view our everyday struggles and enormous obstacles through God's view. Background of David: David spent most of his younger years caring for his father's sheep and spending much time with God. Boaz and Ruth were the great grandparents of David's, who…show more content…
Goliath was a philistine champion from Gath whose height was six cubits and a span. In today's society, his height would have been a whopping 9 feet, nine inches tall. Goliath challenged the army in a way in which they were unfamiliar. Goliath only wanted a one on one battle with the Israelites that would result in a winner takes all situation. Israel was afraid because they knew the Philistines would honor the outcome of the battle, and the Israel warriors would become slaves. The Philistines really had no intentions of honoring the agreement between the two if Goliath had lost, but Israel did not know that. All Israel knew at the point was that they had no one who could defeat Goliath. Day after day, Goliath defied the army of Israel continued to defy the Lord God in the process. The story of David and Goliath is quite interesting due to the fact that David wasn't necessarily a part of the army. Jesse, David's father, wanted to inquire about the well being of his other three sons, Eliab, Abinadab, and Shammah. Jesse commanded David to go unto his brothers as it is stated in 1 Samuel 17:13, "Take now for your brothers an ephah of this dried grain and these ten loaves, and run to your brothers at the camp. And carry these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and see how your brothers fare, and bring back news of…show more content…
When you sit in a chair, you’re relying on the chair’s manufacturer to make something that will hold you up off the floor. When you’re on the freeway, you’re relying on every other driver around you to be mindful. Genuine faith is relying on God's direction and on who He is. God is reliable and He knows what you need, and he wants to meet those needs. Unfortunately, there are times when we think we know better or we think we have a better plan. We want to use our logic and get to the answer in a way that makes us look good and doesn’t require risk. But God wants us to grow, so he takes us a different way just as He did with David. David's divine destiny was to be the great King of Israel and God put him on the path to his divine destination. Having faith in God will ultimately lead you to your purpose in life and we might not get there the way we think we

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