Mepa Culture Analysis

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MEPA has a traditional hierarchical structure, with long bureaucratic processes where most of the management tries to impose a dominant culture. The organisation has various layers of management in its hierarchy. There is an overwhelming amount of processes that are hindering the implementation of our policies and strategies. There is too much focus on the processes which is killing the innovation and creativity in the organisation. According to a study carried out on US and EU companies by the Boston Consultancy Group, “over the past 15 years, the amount of procedures, virtual layers and excessive bureaucracy have increased by anywhere from 50% to 350% and MEPA is no exception. The system in place is not empowering the employees, thus…show more content…
All these are making it difficult for MEPA to implement its policy and strategy. Like most large organisations we have a dominant culture with numerous sets of subcultures. These subcultures are likely to be defined by the department or unit designations and reflect common problems, situations, or experiences that members face. Schein identifies different levels of culture: macro-cultures (nations, etc.…), organisation cultures, generic subcultures (groups within or across organisations) and micro-cultures (microsystems within organisations). Schein also defines that every organisation has at least three generic subcultures which are the operational, engineering and executive. He explains that the key takeaway is the ability of the organisation to align these subcultures together in order to thrive. Without this understanding for MEPA it has become very difficult to implement its policies and strategies. Where the management has been in a direct conflict with these subcultures and wants to eradicate…show more content…
Different sections have become rivals and view each other as adversaries and not as colleagues. Many are those employees that have a vague notion of what should be our actual organisational culture, they often fail to live up to expectations due to a lack of guidance. Moreover the rivalry between different sections is also leading to MEPA not meeting its objectives and implementing its strategy and policies. There is a complete lack of an effective dissemination strategy by the management which is resulting in a very low level of productivity by the employees. The official communication method used internally by MEPA comprises the: attachments of communications on the notice boards, communicating policies through email shots and communicating managerial direction through large meetings. Policy implementation is taking a hit because not enough information is being shared or sought by the management to the employees. While the same management often makes controversial announcement without doing effective ground work

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