Database Normalization Case Study

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30. What is Normalization? Database normalization refers to a database design technique for organizing table in a manner that reduces redundancy i.e. repetition and data dependancy. It splits a large table into smaller chunks and define their relationships for increasing the clearing in organizing data. Database Normalization rules: Entire database normalization process is divided into following six normal forms: • First Normal Form (1NF) • Second Normal Form (2NF) • Third Normal Form (3NF) • Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) • Fourth Normal Form (4NF) • Fifth Normal Form (5NF) 31. Explain the difference between LIKE and REGEXP? LIKE operator performs searching using wildcard characters (% and _) while REGEXP performs searching using regular…show more content…
What are the differences between DATETIME and TIMESTAMP data type? Difference between TIMESTAMP and DATETIME: a. The supported range for TIMESTAMP type is ‘1970-01-01 00:00:01’ UTC to ‘2038-01-19 03:14:07’ UTC. That means if you want to store date which is before the year 1970 or after the year 2038 you will need to use DATETIME. b. DATETIME remains constant with current time zone settings while TIMESTAMP differs.. c. TIMESTAMP requires 4 bytes to store the data while DATETIME requires 8 bytes. d. DATETIME data cannot be indexed while TIMESTAMP data can be indexed. 40. What is the purpose of using myisamchk? Myisamchk is used to repair the corrupted tables. Here is the way myisamchk can be used for repairing and tables…show more content…
What are the differences between MYISAM and INNODB? Which one is better? MYISAM: 1. MYISAM supports Table-level Locking 2. MyISAM designed according to speed requirements. 3. MyISAM does not support foreign keys. 4. MyISAM stores its tables, data schema and indexes specifications in disk space using separate three different files. • tablename.FRM, • tablename.MYD • tablename.MYI 5. MYISAM not supports transaction. Commit and Rollback statements can’t be executed while working with MYISAM storage engine. 6. MYISAM supports full text searching and indexing. 7. You can use MyISAM for static table requiring more select operations and less update and delete operations. INNODB: 1. InnoDB supports Row-level Locking 2. InnoDB designed for increasing performance for larger tables. 3. InnoDB support foreign keys. 4. InnoDB stores its tables and indexes specifications in a table space 8. InnoDB supports transactional tables. .Commit and Rollback statements can be executed while working with MYISAM storage

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