Drowning Literature Review

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Title A Review of the Literature Introduction Every year, parents across the globe lose their innocent children to a grueling and preventable death from drowning. Imagine how these parents feel, knowing that they could have done so much to prevent their own child's death. Around the world, drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death for young children and it is a death that can be stopped (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Whether the deaths are because of little supervision, carelessness, or minimal education about the problem, drowning is a situation that can be ended. If nothing is done to stop this problem from occurring, more than 900 children will continue to die each and every year in the United States from…show more content…
From 2016 research, the top leading cause of death in children ages 1-4 is unintentional injury and is the second leading cause in children 5-14. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Drowning accounted for 425 out of 1261 unintentional deaths in the United States, which means that about 33.7% of unintentional deaths were drowning deaths. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). Furthermore, on average in the years 2010- 2014, 3,573 people die from drowning in the United States, and 945 of them were children (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). The fact that unintentional injuries, specifically drowning, are the leading causes of deaths among most ages of children shows that this is a common problem that needs to be fixed. Educating children more when they are young can go a long way to preventing drowning deaths in the future. Furthermore, According to the National Safety Council and the National SAFE KIDS Campaign 2007, “about 15% of children admitted to hospital emergency rooms die after a near-drowning incident. Another 20% of these children suffer severe and permanent brain damage from their near-drowning incident,” (“Near-drowning,” 2007). This shows that many children who make it to the hospital die, but also many of the children who survive live long and hard lives due to the long amount of time they were without oxygen. Being…show more content…
One of these systems, call the Poseidon system, puts eyes on the bottom of the pool at all times (Davis, R. 2001). This $75,000 system uses cameras looked up to a computer to detect swimmers in trouble (Davis, R. 2001). If they cameras do detect a drowning swimmer, lifeguards on duty are sent message on a waterproof pager (Davis, R. 2001). This system began in europe and began making it to the United States in 2001. In 2001, it was put in all four pool in St. Cloud, Minnesota (Davis, R. 2001). This system could help to save many lives because although lifeguards are trained to watch swimmers and safe them, they can’t have eyes on everyone at all times. Also, while lifeguards will not always be paying attention, the Poseidon system is always looking out of swimmers and their safety. Proof that the Poseidon system saves lives is shown in the fact that this device saved a life in Australia when a man was having an epileptic episode. (“Poseidon”, 2013). As this system and systems like this are put into more pools across the globe, more lives can be saved. Also, as more people learn about the innovative poseidon system, more systems can be created and hopefully at some point life saving camera systems will be in all pools around the world. Although systems like the Poseidon system work well in pools, camera systems do not work in natural waters such as lakes

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