Personal Narrative: My First Basketball

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First Basketball game of Freshman Year It was the day of the first home basketball game of my freshman year of highschool. So many thought were rambling around in my head. Was I ready? Could I remember the plays? Should I be excited or was I nervous? What will everyone think of me? So many questions I would ask myself and still have no answers. The whole day, I could not focus on anything other than the performance that was soon to come. As the day progressed, I began to think of merely the positive ways the game would go. I shortly came to conclusion that I had been worrying about absolutely nothing. As I walked thorugh the hallways crowed full of other students, I could still pick out each of my teammates. Each of us, dressed in the same…show more content…
As the only freshman on on the court, my heart beat faster than ever, adrenaline filled my veins. Would I be able to fullfill my purpose as a player? Finally, we got the ball back and the point guard is sprinting down the court to begin our offense stragity. Everyone was running around as if we were bee’s swarming a hive. I suddenly when the only one open. I set my self up on the three point line ready to get passed the ball. Here it came; the moment of truth. I grasped the ball tight, lined my body up towards the basket, bend my legs, and threw the ball. It wa almost like watching it in slow motion. The backspin was on point, the arch of the toss was perfection. Headig straight for the basket, it sank right threw the net. I didn’t just make three points for my team, I just nailed my first three pointer in front of everyone. I wanted to stay in that moment…show more content…
The very next play, we almost instantly got the ball back. Left unguarde once again I set myself up, ready to recieve the pass. Catching the ball, a pivoted towards the next and once more took a shot for the basket. I was estatic! I just sunk another three pointer. By this time, I had everyones attention. The crowd was to the point of almost screaming out their cheers. The seniors even decided to join in and began a chant. Consisting of mostly guys, their deep voices roared, “That’s our freshmen”, and clapped serveral times afterwards. Repeating it over and over, it felt like I was in some sort of dream. I was on top of the world and I couldnt stop

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