Antigone Tragic Hero Essay

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Heroes come in many forms. In Sophocles' play, Antigone, the tragic hero is a women that believes in her heart and the laws of the gods far stronger than that of her king's law. This now brings up many characteristics that are shown within her. One of them being that she's up against an incredibly impossible enemy, one that doesn't fit into society's mold, and ends up being destroyed by her own pride. As Antigone defies Creon's law, she gets stuck between what she believes is right and what the law decrees is right. Antigone's charged with the burying of her brother, Polyneices, an action in which King Creon has declared unlawful, yet she holds like a stone because of her undying gratitude for her deceased brother and the gods. She believes that this might help lift the curse that had been plagued on the household due to her father. Her sister Ismene had warned Antigone by exclaiming "Ah sister! Oedipus died, everyone hating him for what his own search brought to light, his eyes ripped out by his own hand; and Iocaste died, his mother and wife at once; she twisted the cords that strangled her life; and our two brothers died, each killed by the other's sword. And we are left: but oh Antigone think how much more terrible than these our own death would be if we should go against Creon and do what he has…show more content…
Antigone is destroyed by the one thing that is her tragic flaw: her excessive pride. This was also a downfall for her father Oedipus and her uncle, King Creon. For Antigone, this pride is also confused with honor. Antigone not only defies Creon's edict but also makes a mockery of it when he asks her about it. When she was asked if she knew about the edict her exclamation is "It was public. Could I help hearing

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