Creon In Sophocles 'Antigone'

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Brett Libby 11 / 18 / 15 Lit. Phil. Core 104.26 Antigone In the awe-inspiring play of Antigone, Sophocles introduces a truly remarkable character, the daughter of Oedipus, Antigone. This character, much like her father is full of dedication, especially towards her family, her religion but most of all her conscience. Antigone’s character stands as the tragic hero of this play. Antigone, a resolute and heroic female protagonist, mine’s her individual free will against the stubborn forces of fate and against the irrational and unjust laws of tyrannical man, Creon. Antigone lives during an era when women are considered merely vassals, and women are not supposed to go against a man’s word or authority. She is determined to give her brother, Polyneices, a decent burial. Dedicated, she expresses her wish to Creon for her Polyneices burial. “It is no same to serve blood relatives” (Line 511). Antigone consciously risks her life with this action, which violates Creon's unjust decree. She admires the divine unwritten laws of the Gods rather than the laws created by a mortal man. Ismene, Antigone's cowardly sister, urges Antigone not to defy Creon’s law.…show more content…
“We must remember that we two are women so not to "fight with men" (Line 61). Women have no place in Theban society except to be commanded by men. Simply, men rule and women are ruled. Most women reacted to events not cause them like Antigone. Ismene and Antigone are as different as wool and iron. One is supple, spongy, and soft while the other is hard and resistant. Antigone is undeniably the tragic hero of the play. She was the daughter of King Oedipus, met eradication because of bitterness from others and because of a personal tragic flaw in her character. Her tragic flaw was her yearning for a noble
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