Creon: Monarchy In Sophocles Antigone

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As monarch of Thebes, Creon faultlessly acts in accordance with dominance, jurisdiction and control presiding over the verdict of Antigone’s demise. I will further state Creons potion through demonstrating his authority as monarch, through moral and legal political argument, and as a father to Haemon. It’s clear that Creon is honoring his own laws throughout his journey as monarch. Which are clearly backed by moral and legal political arguments. Creons’ journey to monarchy wasn’t exactly the typical inheritance that most would receive. Which is why justification is always made regarding his decisions. Antigone’s conversation with her brother Ismene, leads to her sorrowful behavior as she states, “Eteocles, they say, has been given full military honors, rightly so-Creon has laid him in the earth and he goes with glory down among the dead. But the body of Polynices, who died miserably-why, a city-wide proclamation, rumor has it, forbids anyone to bury him, even mourn him. He’s to be left unwept, unburied, a lovely treasure for…show more content…
Creon states “Polynices, who returned from exile, home to his father-city and the gods of his race, consumed with one desire-to burn them roof to roots-who thirsted to drink his kinsmen’s blood and sell the rest to slavery: that man –a proclamation has forbidden the city to dignify him with burial, mourn him at all. No, he must be left unburied, his corpse carrion for the birds and dogs to tear, an obscenity for citizens to behold!”(Arts 1000 Reader page 47, 225) His explicit tone reveals his partiality or lack there of towards each of the sons. He finishes by saying “These are my principles. Never at my hands will the traitor be honored above the patriot. But whoever proves his loyalty to the state-I’ll prize that man in death as well as life.”(Arts 1000 Reader page 47, 235) This clearly reveals Creons stance on the obsequies of the

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