Comparing Robb Stark's A Song Of Ice And Fire

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The literary world is drowning in the number of different genres it encompasses. Fantasy, one of the more popular genres, started roughly within medieval times and has slowly developed into what it is today. Christopher Paolini, for example, created The Inheritance Cycle, the first book being titled Eragon, following a young farm boy’s discovery of a dragon egg. George R.R. Martin has had a recent surge in popularity with his series A Song of Ice and Fire, the first book being A Game of Thrones, which follows multiple characters throughout his fictional setting of Westeros. These two fantasy novels encompass many shared characteristics, such as common characteristics among its genre and themes, but also diverge from each other in their structure and formats. John Timmerman, the author of Another World (an analysis of the fantasy genre), claims, “I will identify six traits which must be present to some degree to characterize the work as fantasy literature… [one of which is] the evocation of Another World…” (4). Both of these novels share that common trait among the fantasy genre, which is being set in a fictional world…show more content…
Through Arya’s eyes, we see Rob fight with the young prince Joffrey with wooden swords when he about fourteen years old. When the prince demands real ones, and Robb readily agrees, they are called children and told once they become men they will receive real steel (Martin 62). Since Martin does not follow Robb’s own storyline, the audience is only able to see the transformation through other’s eyes, which makes it that more believable. Through Robb’s brother, Bran’s, eyes, we see how he changes when his father, Eddard, leaves; “He was Robb the Lord now, or trying to be. He wore a real sword and never smiled” (202). Robb grows within just a year’s time from a boy playing with fake swords to a lord ruling over the

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