Othello In Tim Blake Nelson's 2001 O

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Tim Blake Nelson’s 2001 “O” is an adaptation and modernization of the play Othello. “O” seems to capture the balance Shakespeare intended between portraying Othello as an other, based on his race, and the problem of stereotyping a black character. “Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe.” (Act1:1 87-88) The solution is to have Odin (Othello) question his position in society inwardly while appearing to be a very confident young man on the outside. Shakespeare created a multifaceted character. Othello’s downfall is rooted in his passionate and temperamental Moorish nature, but he is also articulate, intelligent, and introspective. This balance is not reflected in most Hollywood versions of the play. “Still questioned…show more content…
Hugo sees himself as a white pigeon, but he wants to soar like a hawk, which is the school’s mascot, as Odin does on the court. Nelson has translated Iago’s motivations for his evil behavior into a basketball and racial context. Iago feels great resentment, envy, and jealousy because he has not received the position as Othello’s lieutenant, which he believes he deserves more than Cassio, a Florentine arithmetician. “ Forsooth, a great arithmetician, One Micheal Cassio, a Florentine That never set a squadron in the field.” (Act 1:1 18-21) In Othello, Iago believes that he deserves the position as Othello's lieutenant because he is the career soldier, the knowing veteran with greater experience than Michael Cassio. “In personal suit to make me his lieutenant, off capped to him; and, by the faith of man I know my price; I am worth no worse a place.” (Act 1:1 9-11)…show more content…
Emily is a dark-visaged, somewhat homely, sullen, and withdrawn girl whom Hugo pretends to be in love with, but in fact he uses her in the same way as he does Roger, to effect his nefarious plans. Just as it took me some time before determining that the coach and Hugo were father and son, so too it was difficult in their initial scenes together to determine what the relationship between Emily and Hugo was Emily is seen most in a corner by herself, half-hiding and half-watching the events unfold before her. She rooms with Desi at school, and one night when Odin sneaks into the room to snuggle naked with Desi, Emily crawls under her bedcovers so that she will not intrude upon the lovemaking. Like Hugo's covering his head earlier, Emily's action indicates her social lack of presence. “You rise to play, and go to bed to work.” (Act 2:1 115) Nelson took Emily as being anti- social , where in Shakespeare Iago criticizes the women for being lazy expect for when it comes to

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