Creative Writing: A Fictional Narrative

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"I loved that night though, we should do it again sometime," Ed said and I immediately started giggling. I jokingly slapped his arm (pretty big muscles if I do say so myself) and he chuckled beside me, hugging my tightly again. "So tell me now, how's everything in the house? Who's with who and who hates who?" He laughed, everybody else joining in. "Diana's with me." Justin was quick to say, he sounded way too serious and wasn't laughing (nor smiling) like everyone else. I shot him my evil eyes, but he completely ignored me. "Cool, man. Watch out, I might just steal her," He joked. Justin didn't find it funny at all though. "You're the infamous Bieber right?" Once again, Ed was just joking with him. But Justin immediately turned on his defensive…show more content…
"Yeah, don't you have a quite bad reputation going on for yourself?" Ed was still chuckling (just like everyone else except for Justin), calming down a bit from his laughter, "Easy man, I was just joking." He said when he finally saw how hurt Justin looked. "Whatever," he said and walked away somewhere else. Where the fuck is he going? "What happened with that other gut? Ethan?" I giggled, suddenly everybody started talking to each other. Ignoring my question, and turning to everyone else and just chats loudly and much. "C'mon", I said and grabbed onto Edward's arm. "Let's go somewhere else and talk." We went back to mine and Justin's room. I was expecting Justin to be there, but there was absolutely no sight whatsoever of him. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic ways and went to sit down on the bed together with Ed. "So you and Bieber, huh?" He said and I nodded while smiling, "Is he any good?" He continued and I thought he meant partner-wise but he started grinding onto the bed, making me laugh like crazy. "I haven't fucked him yet, stupid." I lied. I don't know why I didn't want to tell him that me and Justin had sex just last night, but I felt like a slut. And I didn't want him to look at me that way. Why do I care so much? I am a slut. It's quite easy for guys to make me open my legs for…show more content…
I thought girls love this popstar shit," He said and laid down back onto the bed. I watched him while he stared at the ceiling. "So who have he fucked then?" "No one?" I said, but it came out as more of a question. "He kissed Josephine." "Oh, yeah, I liked her. She's hot." He said and I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy shoot through my body. "I don't blame him." "I do," I mumbled uncomfortably. "I can tell." He replied and I immediately stiffened. He heard that? "You care pretty much about this Bieber guy, huh? You like him." "I do not!" I defended myself. I like him, but I don't like him. "Yes, you do. You're totally red in your entire face." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and threw my pillow at him. "Hey hey, slow down love." He winked and I was just about to attack him when I heard a cough behind
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