Drinking Soda On Teeth Research Paper

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Recently I was at my dentist office for my regular check-up when I saw an article posted that explained the effects that drinking soda can have on your teeth. The article1 indicated that 30% of 900 middle schoolers examined in a multi-university study already had irreversible dental erosion. They determined that the culprit of this damage was due to fruit juice and soda, which have low pH levels that wear away the enamel of teeth. My partner and I thought this would be a good topic for our science fair project. A 2012 Gallup Poll2 found that 48% of Americans report that they drink at least one glass of soda per day. Among those who drink soda, the average daily amount is 2.6 glasses of soda per day. Many sodas contain phosphoric acid…show more content…
He had a history of drinking cola for more than seven years and had poor oral hygiene. Severe decay was found on the front teeth, but less on his back teeth. Many studies show a positive relationship between caries, dental erosion, and the consumption of soft drinks. The publication, An Update on the Dangers of Soda Pop6 explains that increased consumption of soft drinks leads to less consumption of milk, which results in higher number of possible caries. The article says that the size of soda packaging has increased from 6.5oz. bottles in the 1950’s to as much as 20oz. sizes in the 1990’s which has increased the amount of soda consumed. Although soda consumption crosses all age groups, the greatest consumption is reported among children and teenagers. The Wisconsin Dental Association7 found that sugar and soda combines with bacteria in your mouth to form acid which attacks the teeth. Each attack lasts about 20 minutes and starts over with every sip of the soda. Kids and teens are more likely to get tooth decay because their tooth enamel is not fully developed. Diet or sugar-free soda contains its own acid, which also can damage…show more content…
Bathing the teeth with the sugary liquid mixes with the mouth’s saliva to make the level of demineralization critical with the bacterial plaque. The market for convenience increases soft drink production and consumption. They are inexpensive, easy to carry and accessible in vending machines so they remain as the most popular food item in the daily diet. The ADA report included pH levels for various drinks. The pH level for Coke and Pepsi was on average 2.3, making it the most acidic drinks on the table. The pH level for Diet Coke was 3.0 and Sprite

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