Crash Short Story

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After the crash there was a moment of silence, extreme silence piercing in my ear, it was very misty from the smoke coming from the engine. I was terrified. I kept on telling myself that I not to pass out . Disorientated and sore, I slowly opened my eyes wider and looked for him , he had already gotten out of the car and ran around to my door standing there just looking at me , I think he thought I was dead ,I can't really say if he was frightened by it all . When I think back now , Daniel's eyes were blood shot red and it pierced into my soul, at that moment I felt even more afraid ,it was like I have never seen this man in my life . The fumes from the gas bottle behind my seat were lingering in the car I had to cover my nose in order to…show more content…
I had a chance to get out of this stupid mess but what do I do? I covered up for my husband; it was an accident, nothing more. Again he was my first priority, he could have gone to jail and I would have been to be blamed, I always took the blame for all the wrong others did unto me , I was to be blamed I told myself . He wasn't injured I just had a few bruises and a stiff wrist and neck or so I thought I could not believe my husband almost killed us, his behavior baffled me, to be honest, I did not recognize my husband in that car that faithful night I almost lost my life at the cost of his hands. I was married to a psychopath! Moreover, the psychopath was married to a stupid who could not distinguish between her self-worth and the seriousness of being emotionally imprisoned by dangerous actions of her idiot husband. -That stupid was me! Even after that, I still did not walk away from him, I never once confronted him about sniffing on drugs I left everything I think I hid it from the world ,I was to ashamed for what Daniel was doing if that was what he was really doing ,taking drugs “Why did she stick with him? That was the question being asked by many after I still stayed devoted to a disgraced Daniel, when in fact, all Daniel ever caused me the last few years remained to be disapprovingly painful, and almost cost me my
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