Unbroken Research Paper

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The novel, Unbroken, written by Laura Hillenbrand, and it’s major motion picture replica directed by Angelina Jolie; tells a real-life story of a young man who could be considered a hero. Louis Zamperini was an Olympic runner and World War II aircraft aviator and bombardier. During his WWII tour, the plane he is on crashes into the Pacific Ocean. Only three people survive the crash: Louis, Phil, and Mac. They have to take drastic measures in order to survive, one of which Louis decides to wrestle a shark and eat it’s liver. When Mac dies, Louis and Phil have been out at sea for 46 days, until they are captured by the Japanese and are put into an imprisonment camp. Beaten, almost to death, Louis manages to survive until the war is over. He makes it back home to reunite with his family and his long lost love, Cynthia. Louis struggles with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and is forever haunted by images from the war. He turns to alcohol to forget the painful memories.…show more content…
If you have not read the book also; his Olympic experiences were kind of left behind overall compared to his WWII experiences when they were actually really important to the message of the story as a whole. It leaves you wondering what ever happened with his career as a runner. Louis’ brother was able to convince Louis to make running into something to help him get out of the hole of criminalism he was digging for himself, thus the importance of the Olympics to the

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