Cpd Literature Review

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This literature review will consider the current position of CPD within the teaching profession. It will discuss the challenges for the successful implementation of practices learnt as a result of CPD as well as models that are accessible to support the CPD planning process. Feedback for learning within education will also be explored, as this is the area of focus for the CPD sessions. This chapter will focus on objectives 1 and 2, as set out in sub-section 1.3 of the introduction. Research objective 1: To distinguish the purpose of CPD and barriers of changing practice. Research objective 2: To examine models and frameworks relevant to professional development. Research objective 3: To design three CPD sessions that concentrate on feedback…show more content…
Armour (2009:6) speculated that CPD fills teachers’ CVs but when referring to practice, very little changes. As a result of this, she implied that paper qualifications, such as teacher certification, have very little to do with what makes good teachers effective. Furthermore, Armour indicated that the problem was not certification as such, but the nature of that certification and the process that leads to it. Loucks-Horsley et al (2003:56) also commented on the outcome of professional development when they…show more content…
Research activities focus on an individual professional development program, teachers as learners, and the relationships between these two elements of the system. 2. Researchers study a single professional development program enacted by more than one facilitator at more than one site, exploring the relationships among facilitators, the professional development program, and teachers as learners. 3. The research focus broadens to comparing multiple professional development programs, each enacted at multiple sites. Researchers study the relationships among all elements of a professional development system: facilitator, professional development program, teachers as learners, and context. This study will predominantly focus on phase one; teacher knowledge and whether practice changes as a result of the professional development program. This project will concentrate on developing teachers knowledge surrounding feedback for learning and look at the outcome; whether teachers utilise feedback for learning activities within their practice. If this research proves successful this could lead to further studies that explore phases two and

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