Could The American Revolution Been Avoided

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The so professed and highlighted American Revolution: it has now been viewed for all its brilliance in the colonists who decided that enough with the cruelty and mistreatment of the Mother Country. Great Britain. Behind the American Revolution however, are some factors that in which led the colonists to break away from Britain that could have been avoided. If such series of events had not have occurred, would the 13 colonies have still been under Britain’s rule? Starting from the Seven Years War, the Stamp and Sugar Act- two of the many act’s that Britain had forced the colonists to pay-, and if the colonists had listened to those who were against separating, the American Revolution probably would not have happened. The Seven Years War began…show more content…
As a narrow, authoritarian, and obstinate man, he added more fuel to the small fire that had been sparked in the colonists: he had planned to squeeze revenue out of the colonists and restrict their trade in accordance to Britain’s need and wishes. Greenville had concluded that the British public could not be asked to contribute to lessening the amount of debt, but instead felt that since the colonies benefitted so much from the regulation of the new west, enjoyed military protection from attacks and such, they should at least share some of the financial burden. But instead of taking some of the financial burden, the colonies took a large amount of burden. If Greenville had given some of the burden, to the British people, then there would not be so much pressure on the American colonists to generate enough revenue to pay off Britain’s’ debt. With Britain breathing down on their neck and constantly demanding revenue and creating laws in which they felt would be effective for their benefit, it causes hatred to build up in the colonists as they viewed Britain’s actions as uncalled for: To make sure that the colonists comply, stricter laws concerning trade and a stricter enforcements of the laws had been place to be effective to draw a good amount of revenue. To obtain more revenue than normally give, the Stamp Act of 1765 was the first major step given toward the American Revolution. It required the payment of a tax on a great variety of papers and documents, including newspapers, that were produced in the American colonies which was seemed to Britain as easy and self- executing. The Stamp Act affected everyone and caused an uproar that all 12 colonies, with the exception for Georgia, sent protest letters to Britain to get the act to be appealed, which was overruled. Even newspapers such as the Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser in 1765
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