Comparing The Hunger Games 'And The Lottery'

1937 Words8 Pages
Argumental Silence Che Guevara, a major influence of the Cuban revolution from 1953 to 1959, once said that ”Silence is argument carried out by other means.” (Guevara) What could be meant by this quote is that silence can be utilized throughout different ministries by different people. In both Shirley Jackson’s short story ”The Lottery” and Suzanne Collins’s 374 page novel ”The Hunger Games,” citizens participate in traditions involving the sacrifice of innocent human life with silence as a common acknowledgment. However, characterization and gesture in the texts portray the difference between the stories with similar themes; The citizens in ”The Lottery” blindly accept the old tradition using their silence as a mark of approval, while citizens in ”The Hunger Games” view their tradition as a punishment their society forces upon them where the silence is used as a protest in the first step of their three books long revolution. The convoluted characters in the short story ”The Lottery,” remain silent when they face the malevolent essence of their city’s lottery, therefore giving their consent of the inconsequential…show more content…
And if not this year, perhaps the next or the one after that. Their human instincts are telling them that this is not right, that if they are the ones chosen for the lottery they would protest, but still they remain silent. Because they did not pick the wining lottery-ticket, they did not have to die today. Although no measurements are taken in the story to rebel against the lottery and its wickedness, Jackson provides the readers with a sense of awareness, using the individual’s gestures, indicating that if it were up to the men in the quote above, this town might never have started the killing tradition in the first

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