Competency Mapping In Human Resource Management

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Abstract: Human Resource management has evolved extensively over the past years. Human resource is considered to be the most possible asset now days. The pressure has also increased among the HR Professionals as there is cut throat competition among the companies which also increases the expectations from the HR professionals by the organizations .there was a time when unskilled people could easily solve the purpose of hiring . But since the changing times the expectations bar has raised and now the organizations now prefer hiring the skilled laborers but not to forget who have that skill, attitude, and the capability to do the work not only effectively but also efficiently. The paper focuses on the competency mapping adopted…show more content…
Introduction Human resource is of high importance now days. Human resource is considered nowadays to be the most important asset – more valuable than finance in most of the organizations. The major focus of the HR managers nowadays is on the employment of not only employees but that to “skilled employees “. with the increasing cut throat competition the organizations now prefer to hire those people who already possess certain required skills and can be harnessed by providing them adequate training . Competency is one such way through which the organizations are not only able to find better employees but can also help improve the performance of the existing employees. With the help of competency mapping the organizations are able to study the SWOT analysis of the individuals and thus can assign the job roles as per their competency. With the help of competency mapping the organizations are also able to reduce the gap between actual results and desired results. 1.1 Competence– competence can be defined as the talent to do any task effectively and efficiently. The performance can be raised only when an individual has those skills, traits and knowledge to perform the task…show more content…
Literature Review A. Srivastava (2009) indicates that recruiting and retaining talented people and sustaining the knowledge and competencies across the entire workforce using competency mapping. The study indicates the importance of competency based rewards to make the best use of competencies and Talent in accordance with the organization’s needs. B. Mily (2011) indicated the study indicated that HCL employees had higher competency gaps and the study identified the methods through which employee’s competency could be improved. D. Praveen (2012) stated that the gaps between the competencies of the employees in two manufacturing organizations and comparing them by identifying the gaps and also indicated the methods to cover up those gaps E. Preeti (2011) indicated that with the help of competency mapping help in identifying the core competencies needed by the faculties for their job description and thus helping the management for effective recruitment and selection based on the right competencies. The study also found that with the help of competency mapping retention of employees is increased and also focused on the concept of right person for the right

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