Hotel Customer Satisfaction

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1.1 Background of the study According to the business dictionary, corporate image is a mental picture that comes up at the mention of a firm's name. It is a psychological impression that continually changes with the firm's circumstances, media coverage and performance. Similar to a firm's reputation or goodwill, it is the public perception of the firm rather than a reflection of its actual state or position. In most hotels, corporate image is not considered to be a key factor to help retain customers which has lead to many hotels starting up and closing up due lack of customers. Many customers leave the hotel unsatisfied because of lack of brand image and unpleasant experience. According to Zeithaml and Bitner (2006), says that the customers…show more content…
Thus loyal customers critically assess the standard of services provided by other hotels and customers approval of firms quality of services can outcome into better business image of the hotel industries thus, leading to growth in its sales and profits. According to Patterson et al (1997), he state that in determining customer loyalty the management is required to develop a framework of assessing the value of customer satisfaction. The framework enables managers to find out which customer variables have the greatest impact and how much should be spent to improve satisfaction variables. According to Richards (1996), hotels are shifting their marketing strategy away from customer acquisition and towards customer retention and loyalty.In addition he says that “factors that make a customer become loyal and keep patronizing the same hotel are: quality service, brand image, service performance, customer recognition, pleasant experiences, flexibility and technology…show more content…
1.3.2 Specific objectives 1. To find out how image enhances customer retention in hotels in Nairobi. 2. To explore how technology utilization ensures retention of customers in hotels in Nairobi. 3. To establish challenges faced by hoteliers in customer retention in hotels in Nairobi. 4. To find out roles of employees in ensuring customer retention in hotels in Nairobi. 1.4 Research questions 1. How does image enhances customer retention in hotels in Nairobi? 2. How has technology utilization ensures retention of customers in hotels in Nairobi? 3. What are the challenges faced by hoteliers in customer retention in hotels in Nairobi? 4. What are the roles of employees in ensuring customer retention in hotels in

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