Comparing Smith And Yoshino's Analysis

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Identifying one’s self using one word proves difficult for many people. Both authors Zadie Smith and Kenji Yoshino believe that people have parts that constitute one’s identity. Zadie Smith in “ Speaking in Tongues”, argues that people are trying to identify with others by using multiple voices.On the other hand, Kenji Yoshino in “ Covering: The Hidden Assault on Our Civil Rights”, asserts that people strive to cover their racial identity in order to be accepted in society.Both authors have argued that assimilating to society is what helps people get ahead in society. However, Assimilating to society is the reason why people lose their identity. People are not who they say they are. People hide their true identity just to look good in front of or…show more content…
The negative aspect is he might say one thing in the south and the absolute opposite in the north. So what does he believe? Smith Stated “ He [Obama] says he’s a capitalist, but he’ll spread your wealth. He says hes a Christian, but really he’s going to empower the Muslims”(252). Smith is saying that Obama might say one thing, just in order to get assurance from the people that he is a part of them,but, he will do the exact opposite. Zadie then moves on to say “ These are the fears that have their roots in an anxiety about voice. Who is he? People kept asking. I mean who is this guy, really?”(253) This infers that Obama's voice signified his identity. Him speaking in different ways and perspective basically make people suspect him. Obama wants to identify with everyone, by hiding who he is and what he thinks is right for the people. In the same way, Kenji Yoshino talk about hiding his identity in America, just to fit into the mainstream. Yoshino states “ I came to hate the question “where are you from, really? that followed my assertion that I had grown up in Boston”(301). Yoshino is originally

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