Comparing Martin Luther King And I Have A Dream Speech

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The purpose of the connected text study is to choose a minimum of two texts that are connected by similarity or difference. The two texts I chose is firstly, from the movie brave heart where William Wallace gives his speech on freedom and not live one further day in slavery. This is based on the real speech that William Wallace gave before the battle of sterling. The other speech I am comparing to the Martin Luther King Jr ‘I have a dream speech’. These two texts are similar as they both are talking about freedom of their own people and how they don’t have the same rights as others. The connection between them both includes historical context and cultural, there are also differences between both speeches even though they are both fighting for…show more content…
When he was a young boy, William Wallace's father and brother, along with many others, lost their lives trying to free Scotland in a war. Once he loses another of his loved ones, William Wallace has had enough and begins his long quest to make Scotland free once and for all, along with the assistance of Robert the Bruce. The movie is all about Scotland trying to get their freedom again, to fight for their rights. Wallace leads his army through a series of successful battles against the English, including the Battle of Stirling Bridge (September 11, 1297) where Wallace's Scots are outnumbered by the English army. Many more battles were fought, and the film ends with Mel Gibson's voice saying that the Scottish won their freedom in this…show more content…
speech, it’s very effective and motivational for the large Scottish crowd. This speech was found from a movie, brave heart and because they are reenacting an historical event that happened years ago, they use words that some people may be unfamiliar with. For example when he says, ‘Where is thy salute, for presenting yourselves on this battlefield, I give you thanks’. Everyone is dressed in armed gear, painted faces, holding and waving flags to represent their country and holding a sort of weapons, ready for a battle. William Wallace makes and entrance when he enters the battle land with his friends. They are on horses and presented in front of him is a large crowd ready for a battle. William is well known over England and Scotland for what he does for his country, and when he enters the battlefield someone says in shock, “William Wallace? Can’t be, Not tall enough.” William first approaches a man from the crowd and the man says, “this is our army, to join it you give homage.” William replies with, “I give homage to Scotland! And if this is your army why does it go?” The crowd shows their support for Scotland’s rights and commitment by saying, “we didn’t come here to fight for them!” William effectively drawn the audience in by using a loud voice and opened his speech by saying, “Sons of Scotland, I am William
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