How Did Lagash's Relationship With Their Gods?

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The concept of divine rule and the gods' frequent support of the kings show that the Early Dynastic and Akkadian rulers had a very close relationship with their gods. Many of the rulers were descended from gods or had gods involved in their births. The gods frequently involved themselves in human affairs, typically to side with a particular king on an issue or in a battle. The Sumerian King List states that the first kings were direct descendants of the gods, saying "after kingship had descended from heaven, Eridu became the seat of kingship." These first kings lived for centuries or even millennia, evoking their forefathers’ immortality. King Alalgar reigned 36,000 years and King En-men-gal-ana ruled for 43,200 years: these reigns are so long that the rulers seem more like gods than mortals. Gilgamesh is an early ruler that was explicitly described as a demigod:…show more content…
Ningirsu comes to Eanatum in a dream to advise the king and predict his victory in battle, saying "O Eanatum... you will slay there.” The Stele of the Vultures says of Eanatum,"his personal god is Shulutul,” showing that kings were so involved with the gods as to have one god closely connected with them. Eanatum is also given an elaborate epithet on the Stele of the Vultures describing his connection with the gods: “Eanatum, king of Lagash, granted strength by Enlil, nourished with special milk by Ninhursag, given a fine name by Inanna, granted wisdom by Enki, chosen in her heart by Nanshe.” Eanatum has some relationship with each of these gods, particularly with Ningirsu. The god Ningirsu even seems to be like the top leader of Eanatum’s army, as evidenced on a clay vase that reads “Ningirsu gave the order to Eanatum, and he destroyed Umma.” When Urlima, king of Umma, trespasses on land that is protected and sacred by Ningirsu, the god instructs Eanatum to

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