Compare And Contrast River Valley Civilizations

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The four River Valley civilizations were similar but at the same time very different. There were many things that they had in common and many things that differed them from each other. I chose to compare these civilizations in two categories: government and social organization. The government of these four civilizations - Sumer, Egypt, China, and India had many similarities and differences at the same time. The one main similarity was power. All the governments of these civilizations had never lacked power. They were the most powerful government of that time. In Sumer, kings were the rulers, and each one controlled a city-state. In Egypt, there were Pharaohs that ruled the country, which were more than just kings rather they were compared to gods. The Pharaohs were usually men but could also be women. This is actually one of the differences that differed Egyptian government from the other ones because Egypt was the only one of the four governments where women’s rights were almost equal with a men’s. In China, there were dynasties, which means that from time…show more content…
In every society besides India, the top layer was always the rulers, such as kings, pharaohs, and emperors. India was the only one of that time where the highest layer were the priests instead of the kings. In India, the society classes went from Priests, rulers, and merchants, to peasants. Also, India has differed from the other three societies because there was no slavery for some long time. In Egypt, the society classes went from Pharaohs, nobles and priests, and merchants, to peasants, and slaves. In China, the social classes were listed from the top to the bottom as Emperors, nobles, peasants, merchants, and slaves. And in Sumer there were only four social classes where the top layer were the kings, the next one were the nobles and priests, then the merchants and peasants, and at last the

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