Essay About New Brunswick

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The Province of New Brunswick New Brunswick, located in eastern Canada is one of the countries three Maritime Provinces. It has a population of 750,000 spread between a few major cities. The most populous city, Saint John, is home to 70,000, and the capital Frederiction is home to 56,000. New Brunswick was first explored by Europeans in 1534 when the French explorer Jacques Cartier arrived in the New World and the first settlement was established on St. Croix Island in 1604. The number of French settlements in the area grew steadily until 1713 when Nova Scotia was given to the British by the French. New Brunswick was conquered by the British around fifty years later during the French and Indian War. New Brunswick became one of Canada’s original four provinces when the country was formed in 1867. Because of its origins…show more content…
Saint John and Moncton are home to major ports and rail hubs, making those cities ideal for people involved in the supply chain industry. Outside of the cities New Brunswick’s economy is based on mining, forestry, farming, and fishing. New Brunswick provides a perfect mix of urban and rural feel for its residents. Whether you are looking to live, work, or play in the great outdoors, or to enjoy the nightlife of the city, living in New Brunswick means it will all be available to you. The province also has a long history with performing arts. The Atlantic Ballet Theater of Canada, Symphony New Brunswick, and Theatre New Brunswick are all major draws for those who enjoy the arts. The government of New Brunswick operates very similarly to Canada’s national government. A forty-nine seat unicameral Parliament is elected once each five years (or more often should an election be called early. The major players in the government have historically been the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservative Party, though smaller parties occasionally win

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