Schuyler's Monster By Robert Rummel-Hudson

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Cassadi Starner SLHS 0207 Fall, 2014 Schuyler’s Monster by Robert Rummel-Hudson Schuyler's Monster is a biography written by the father of Schuyler, and it is his personal account of navigating medical, educational and personal mazes on the path to finding a voice for his 5-year-old daughter through augmentative-alternative communication (AAC) . The book chronicles events from the time Schuyler was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder at 18 months to the discovery of a remarkable tool that enables her to communicate beyond simple sign language. Schuyler's ‘Big Box of Words’ was not easily obtained because her public school refused to pay for a high-tech device on the grounds that it was "not educationally necessary." The family's private insurance did not cover AAC devices, and they made too much money to qualify for government assistance. So Robert Rummel-Hudson set up a fundraising web page and within five weeks had raised enough money to pay for Schuyler's ‘Big Box of Words.' With device in hand, Schuyler sets off on a new journey in a new school district where she is mainstreamed into…show more content…
It is a speech disorder that caused by a malformation of the brain. It affects the patient’s speech and fine motor control, and it can cause partial paralysis of the facial muscles, tongue, jaws and throat as well as create difficulties in speaking, chewing, and swallowing. The phonation is the speech process disturbed because the patient is unable to produce speech sounds. There is no impairment of language since the patient can understand what is being said to them as well as use other forms of speech, such as signing, to communicate their thoughts. They know what they want to say even if they cannot say it. It is a congenital condition, present at birth, and it sometimes results in infant death, but, in Schuyler’s case just led to mild learning

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