Civil War Impact On American History

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The Civil War is a war that happens within a country and in this case, the Civil War took place in the United States between the North and the South. The Civil War happened between the North and the South for various reasons. Both sides expected a short war with few casualties, but instead a little over 1 million soldiers died in the Civil War. After the war was over, it left an impact on the modern world through the following: the Federal Government, industry, American Nationalism, the women in the United States, religion, and philosophy. The Civil War is so important to American history because it changed and shaped our modern day economy and it happened right here on our home turf. The Civil War was four years of bloody and prolonged battles…show more content…
At the end of the battle, nearly two-thirds of the confederates that attacked were killed. This engagement was vicious and bloody, and so after two days of trying, unsuccessfully, to break the Union line, Robert E. Lee made the move and started the Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was a major turning point in the American Civil War. The second major battle was at Antietam, which is also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg. The Battle of Antietam was the single bloodiest day-battle in American history, and ended in an inclusive victor. After the Battle of Antietam, the Union troops began to turn the tables and get the upper hand in the most vital lands of three states: Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. The third major battle was the Battle of Shiloh. The Battle of Shiloh was a bloody conflict that took place near the Tennessee and Mississippi border. This battle was also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing. The fourth major battle was the Second Manassas, also known as the Battle of Bull Run, was bloody and hard fought. The fifth major battle was the Battle of Vicksburg, which took place in Mississippi. This battle was the peak of the most amazing military campaigns of the war. This battle was also a major turning point in the American Civil War. By the end of the Civil War, over 1 million…show more content…
The Civil War, which was the first modern war that was fought in the United States, increased the size and power of the Federal Government, and of course it was the North’s expansion that had set the course for the nation after the American Civil War. The Civil War also unified the country, which then pulled together the various states to create a nation that was more unified. The Civil War especially had a huge impact on the Women in the United States. The women revolutionized the nursing profession, and this profession had originally been dominated by the men. One of the most famous nurses in the American Civil War was Clara Barton. She would follow the troops into battle and help out the doctors in the makeshift battlefront hospitals. After the American Civil War, Barton went and founded the American Red Cross. The war also had a great impact on religion such as, it changed the way the people prayed, what church or denomination the people belonged to, and how they viewed the Bible. The war also impacted philosophy. Pragmatism, which is America’s most important contributions to philosophy, would be the most important worldview in the U.S. until it was the middle of the twentieth
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