Gone To Texas Summary

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Campbell, Randolph B. Gone To Texas: A History of the Lone Star State. 2nded. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. In Gone to Texas, or simply "GTT"Randolph B. Campbell professor of history at the University of North Texas, presents the history of the Lone Star State from the prehistoric era to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Twelve thousands years ago, Indians were the first main immigrant population to move to Texas.'' Immigrants often in conflict with each other and always in a struggle with land and with climate, shaped Texas that is widely regarded as special place''(p.xi). Campbell offers many events about Texas history, such as political, social, agricultural, and economic, all of which changed Texas history.…show more content…
(2)Campbell succeeds to present details about the Civil War in 1861 to 1865, and it was full of various important information events which contributed to abolish slavery and gave the slaves freedom on June/19 and declared the Emancipation Proclamation. Moreover, confederacy defeated front union troops in 1865. Gone to Texas, after civil war and Reconstruction among ( 1865-1900 ) the number of immigrants had increased from 36 percent 1860 to grew 3,048,710 by 1900. Also, German became the largest number of foreign group. women's participation in political issue were weak until 1910. However, women took part in Campbell's book in the War world II. As Mary Kelley of Lamer University notes, Campbell did not focus on some significant women names, such as Anna Pennybacker, Jane McManus, and Anna Porter(1).Campbell in his writing avoid using footnotes or endnotes in each chapter that the readers can not recognized to know the sources and the information that related to the sources(2). In reconstruction 1876 Texas became enjoyed in technological progress by railroad development that it has positive effects on Texas's economy.…show more content…
As a result, Franklin D. Roosevelt used "New Deal" in order to manage with this problem. In GTT, Campbell gives various illustrations about Civil War. He deal with Texas history as a separated part from united states. Although Campbell points that same states advocated confederacy, he does not mention the real effects of Civil War on the other states. The period of Civil War is more than four years. Campbell, however, mentions that the Civil War did not effects on the Texas's economy. Any kind of war like the Civil War continued long period of time has negative effects on the society, but Campbell does not focus on the effects of Civil War on the Texas's people. Readers Gone to Texas might not agree with Campbell's opinion that the Civil War did not impact on the economy. In Gone to Texas Campbell also present the War World II from 1939-1945 and how the United States entered the war against Axis powers, he mention participated in the war. He gives the readers "GTT" more details about the impact of War World II on Texas

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