Cita Conservatism

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Mariz Castaneda title The universe has its way of working against us. Everyone is just struggling to survive, and liberalism becomes a defense mechanism against the world’s unfair nature. Because of such a hostile environment, humans cannot help but be anxious. This is why it is significant for liberalism to discuss the anxiety of man. The anxious person is born out of liberalism. Because of this uneasiness, he or she seeks measures to gain security. This fear of loss is what pushes humans to take action. Humans are most at peace when they feel certain and safe. I would like to point out that this feeling of being certain and safe is actually just an illusion, considering that the universe’s nature is something we cannot negotiate. To negotiate…show more content…
Anxiety is in interplay with conformity. Cita does not conform to society’s standards; this leads to a negative reputation which, in turn, creates uneasiness within her. The fact that the barrio was judging her caused her great humiliation. She left the barrio and Isoy, and she went with an American soldier. Cita’s uneasiness caused her to leave and search for security in a place far away. The intensity of happiness produced by gaining something is less compared to the intensity of pain produced by loss. Liberalism points out that man’s foremost interest is not profit but security. The meaning of loss is not limited to just physical objects; loss also includes intangible but highly valuable concepts such as social…show more content…
This loss of status creates anxiety in a person. Social status was an extension of one’s personality. When this is taken away, the person is profoundly shocked and this loss induces supreme sensitivity. The intensity of pain is greater than the intensity of pleasure. Man suffered more when he or she falls from a better to a worse situation, and not vice-versa. Benjamin Franklin argued that uneasiness is “the first Spring and Cause of action” and that man chooses to act in the way that will give him or her freedom from this uneasiness. Cita’s leaving is shaped by her desire to gain freedom from uneasiness – something that her sister Susing will never understand. She does not leave the barrio to pursue a state of happiness; rather, she leaves because she needs to escape from the pain caused by a tainted reputation. As for Tiyoy Berning, he, too, suffers from anxiety and guilt with Isoy. He apologizes to a passed-out Isoy. Tiyoy Berning always tries his best to check up on Isoy because this is his way of coping with his
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