The Big Red Machine: How The Liberal Party

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Liberal party of Canada is a leftist party whose main policies are towards democratic governance, federalism, libertarianism, multilateralism and overall inclusion. It is one of the oldest parties and has led Canada throughout most of the 20th Century. It is also the political party of the current Canadian Prime Minister Mr. Justin Trudeau. Liberal Party’s core values include Integrity, Dignity, Compassion, Responsibility and Reason. Political parties which are huge and have rich history usually have a complex and intertwined culture and Liberal Party is no exception. While its leader is selected through a democratic process, which might hint towards a democratic culture, there is a strong bureaucratic element as well. This is highlighted in the various policies, procedures and guidelines such Policy Resolutions and By-Laws which have been enacted from time to time. There is a strong concept of Accountability as well, which is even listed as one of the Party’s priorities. A sense of…show more content…
Various national and international issues were directed by way of Resolutions which were adopted in various annual and semi-annual conventions and other meetings. Liberal party’s structure is reminiscent of a typical bureaucratic organization though. There is an elaborate structure with defined reporting lines and chain of command.National Board of Directors is the controlling body of the party with its leader as Mr. Trudeau and Ms. Gainey as the National

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