Essay On Mandatory Sentencing

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Mandatory Sentencing For Certain Crimes There are many problems regarding today's sentencings for crimes all across the board. For example, if someone is being sentenced for murder they could go to prison for any where from 25 to 60 years in a Class A Felony, however, if someone assaults a pregnant women resulting in the termination of the pregnancy they would be sentenced 10 to 25 years. In both cases a life is being taken away so the sentencing should remain the same. The current legal situation for mandatory sentencing entails that offenders serve a preset term for certain crimes, which include mainly serious and violent offenses. These sentences are fabricated through the legislature, not the judicial system. Mandatory sentences are usually…show more content…
Each one has a different penalty referring to the crime. These can vary from a simple fine all the way up to a life sentence, or in some cases the death penalty. The point here is that there are rules, and there are consequences if these rules are not abided by. That is just common sense. Mandatory sentences would help out when it comes to these scenarios. If someone steals something from a store, they should have to pay for the item along with a fine. But if a felony is committed it should be dealt with more severity. By definition a felony is “a crime, typically on involving violence, regarded as more serious than a misdemeanor, and usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year, or…show more content…
The laws were set up for crimes that are serious or violent meaning it doesn’t affect people for stealing a candy bar, but if they went out and killed someone for a candy bar they would be affected. This means that unless there is something seriously wrong in someones head, they should know what they are doing is wrong and they know that there is consequences to such harsh actions. The mandatory penalties are designed to eliminate choosing between different punishment options, assuming that judges are too lenient and that offenders are neither generally being prevented from crime or even really stopped because some people are not incarcerated long enough to prevent their criminality

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