Character Analysis: The Dangerous Game

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As the story "The Dangerous Game" began I predicted that Rainsford and Whitney were goimg to get trapped but as I read on I realized I was wrong. Rainsford and Whitney were going to hunt but as soon as he left Whitney's side something horrible happened. He was smoking a pipe when it fell into the water. Rainsford tired to grab it before the pipe hit the water but it was too late then he fell off the yacht in to the water. When he fell into the water I thought he was going to drown but fortunately he was able to reach land. General Zaroff approached Rainsford as if he was going to rob him. When i read that The General had a gun pointed to Raimsford I made an inference that he was a crazy man. Rainsford told the General what happened to him and that he was hungry. The general took Rainsford into his big house and told him to follow Ivan so he could get settled in then come have dinner with him. When Rainsford arrived for dinner him and the general started talkimg about hunting. After the General mentioned the fact that he likes to play dangerous games I thought he ment he liked to play real games. Whe n the general told Rainsford the animals he hunted he came to conclusion that he was talking about people and he told Generla Zaroff that he was a cold blooded killer. The general disliked the fact that…show more content…
As soon as he stepped put the gate the game began. When Rainsford steeped out the gate I predicted that the General would have gotten him then and would win the game. After that he walked and made a trail. Rainsford climbed up a tree and waited until the general gave up. The general finally approached the tree and then looked up, smiled and then walked away. When he realize the General was gone he got out of the tree and began to set up traps. After he set them up he waited for the general. General Zaroff stepped on the trap and a branch fell on him and injured his shoulder. The general went to nurse his

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