Character Analysis: Something Wicked This Way Comes

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Imagine having a friend, born seconds after you, and living next to them your whole life. Someone you’ve shared everything to. Someone whom you trust and care for to death. Can you relate? In Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes, he proposes two paradoxical yet indivisible friends, Will and Jim. Born one after another, these two boys dominate two differing personalities, good and evil. Will possesses a good and innocent personality for the sake of having parents and happiness in his life. Adversely, Jim, having seen evil in the form of his abusive father, owns a pessimistic and audacious charisma. This differentiation strengthens the boys’ relationship. Another relationship proposed by Ray Bradbury is between Will and his father,…show more content…
Jim, knowing the answer, asks, “ ‘ You’ll always be with me, huh, Will?’ Jim simply breathed warm upon him and his blood stirred with the old, the familiar answers: yes, yes, you know it, yes, yes” (p.69). Jim knows that Will is always going to protect and safeguard him, whether he wants it or not. He understands that it is a good thing, but feels bothered because Will is going to always go the safe, painless, and ecstatic way. The boys, like many other boys, are unified by their perspective of impartiality: “Nobody won. Nobody wanted to win. It was in their friendship they just wanted to run forever, shadow and shadow. Their hands slapped library door handles together, their chests broke track tapes together, their tennis shoes beat parallel pony tracks over lawns, trimmed bushes, squirreled trees, no one losing, both winning, thus saving their friendship for other times of loss” (p.12). They do everything together, to make the other feel in place. The last line of this quotation in particular is interesting because the author is foreshadowing the loss of their friendship later on in the story, where being ‘together’ won’t get Jim what he wants. These boys’ friendship is a straightforward yet intricate relationship in this
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