Dostoevsky's Notes From The Underground

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Russian literature has a reputation for being difficult to read and comprehend. Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground certainly did nothing to disprove that reputation but instead reinforced it. Russian literature did not start to bloom until the mid 19th century, gaining widespread acclaim in the late 19th century. What makes Russian Literature so distinctive is the fact that most works are direct, honest, and accurate in what was depicted of human essentials. This theme comes up often in Notes from the Underground when the main character often criticizes everyone and everything around him. This book is a convoluted collection of the ramblings of a dysfunctional mal content. However, further analysis leads to insights into Russian society and the people within it during this time period. All and all, although this book was very difficult to comprehend, it was in no way a waste of time, but like digging for gold, it was very hard work. Much is known and liked about the mid to late 19th century literature of England, the United States, and France. Writers such as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, and Alexander Dumas are well known. The Literature of Russia is less well known but equally acclaimed with authors such as Tolstoy, Chekov, and of course Dostoevsky. It is hoped that the reader of this essay will attain a better…show more content…
Petersburg and used to be a civil servant but has retired. He is very intelligent and says that he has been living ‘underground’ for 20 years. Our narrator is a very bitter man who loves to criticize and question anything and everything, and also is very bitter and resentful towards a lot of things. The book is written in a form where the Underground Man imagines his readers responding to his claims and fills in the reader’s responses himself. The entire book is about the claims of the Underground Man and his arguments about these

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