Alice In Wonderland A Social Satire

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Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is well-known and well-loved for its nonsensical plot, setting, and cast of characters. While the plot seems to meander and does not move towards a single resolution – instead being a series of encounters between the titular Alice and Wonderland’s bizarre inhabitants – there is a reoccurring conflict between Alice and her more structured Victorian background and the inhabitants of Wonderland with their bizarre behaviors and their complete disregard of Victorian social norms. However, while the inhabitants of Wonderland ignore social customs and rules polite behavior, they are not ignorant of them. Rather, they appear to both be aware of the social customs which Alice attempts to enforce and also have their own set of social customs that are rendered incomprehensible to Alice and the reader due to their differences from social customs that Alice and the reader are familiar with. In the seventh chapter of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, appropriately titled “A Mad Tea Party,” Alice encounters a seemingly familiar situation, a tea party, which subverts her expectations of proper social conduct at a tea party through the integration of Wonderland’s disregard of Victorian social etiquette via the…show more content…
The Mad Hatter’s first remark in the encounter was a comment on Alice’s personal appearance – “Your hair wants cutting” – which Alice “with some severity” decries as “rude.” While the Hatter exhibits some reaction to her comment his reaction is described as his eyes “open[ing] his eyes very wide,” which is an action associated with the emotion of surprise. This may be an indication that the Mad Hatter did not perceive his own actions as rude and was instead normal behavior as determined by the society of

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