Castor Oil Derivatives

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Introduction Castor oil is one of the most versatile plant oils. The various grades of the oil and its derivatives are currently used in over a dozen diverse industries. In future, with the rising environmental concerns and the need for bio-based products to replace synthetic feedstocks, castor oil and castor oil oleochemicals have the potential to be used in many newer industries, Many derivatives and oleochemicals of castor oil require relatively simple methods for their production, while higher generation derivatives such as sebacic acid or salts of ricinoleic and undecylenic acid could require more sophisticated production methods. This paper has a focus on the key oleochemical derivatives of castor oil, as it is felt these derivatives…show more content…
 1.1. CASTOR OIL 1.1.1 Introduction Castor oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of castor plant, also known as Ricinus communis. It is a vegetable oil and the plant is largely native to Africa and India. The oil has been famous in the world over for centuries for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The medicinal and therapeutic benefits of the oil make it a favorite across various industries. Castor oil and its derivatives are used in the manufacturing of soaps, lubricants, hydraulic and brake fluids, paints, dyes, coatings, inks, cold resistant plastics, waxes and polishes, nylon, pharmaceuticals and perfumes. Castor oil is one of the most versatile plant oils. The various grades of the oil and its derivatives are currently used in over a dozen diverse industries. In future, with the rising environmental concerns and the need for bio-based products to replace synthetic feed stocks, castor oil and castor oil oleo-chemicals have the potential to be used in many newer industries. Figure 1.1: Castrol seeds 1.1.2.…show more content…
Fade Scars: Castor oil is often used for fading scars. Though it works slowly in this regard (needs to be used regularly to see prominent results), it can produce permanent solution naturally. Once again, the fatty acids come to rescue. They penetrate deep within the scar tissue and plump it out while encouraging the growth of healthy tissues around it. It helps the scar diminish slowly. Castor Oil Benefits for Hair: 9. Promotes Hair Growth: Castor oil is the best remedy for promoting hair growth.The oil boosts blood circulation to the follicles, leading to faster hair growth. The oil also has omega-6 essential fatty acids, responsible for healthy hair.It also helps reduce split ends and controls hair breakage while conditioning and moisturising your hair. 10. Thickens Eyebrows: Use of castor oil promotes hair growth and hence helps thicken your eyebrows and eyelashes. It stimulates rapid growth of hair. The unusual chemical composition of the oil helps to keep your eyebrow and eyelash hairs from breaking. 11. Treats Scalp Infection: Scalp infection can cause major hair problems like bald patches and itchy scalp. With castor oil’s anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, we can fight pathogens and micro-organism, responsible for such

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