Brotherhood In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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The Effect of Brotherhood in Gilgamesh Every classical and modern work of literature ever written has one or more literary themes. These themes occur reflecting on the plot of these works, from love to the battle between good and evil. These themes occur even in the earliest of works drafted. One example of this is the epic of Gilgamesh written by the ancient Sumerians, in the 22nd century BC. There are many themes connected to this piece of text, as there usually is, yet one occurring theme would be that of male bonding and brotherhood. The primary example of this theme would be the relationship between the protagonists Gilgamesh and Enkidu. The evidence presented will discover the three aspects of this relationship; first meeting, adventure,…show more content…
When Enkidu is created by the goddess Aruru, to counter the greatness of Gilgamesh the terror, he is told of the misdeeds of such a character. This enrages him so much, that he rushes towards the city of Uruk. After battling each other, they quickly and solemnly embrace, “...Gilgamesh, strongest of all, the terror, wrestled the wild man to his knees. And then the rage of Gilgamesh subsided...Then Gilgamesh and Enkidu embraced, and kissed, and took each other by the hand,” (Ferry 15). This evidence portrays the respect and love that Gilgamesh starts to feel towards Enkidu. This is the start of a relationship that conveys the brotherly love, that they maintain throughout the epic. Yet, they relationship continues to develop when they are called to complete a task that defines the fortunes for both of…show more content…
After defeating the demon Huwawa, with aid from Shamash, Enkidu understands that the consequence of participating, in this deed will surely result in death from the supreme being Enlil. Such a consequence occurs, leaving Gilgamesh in dire straits, and questioning his existence, as well as his own mortality. Gilgamesh questions, “ ‘ Enkidu has died. Must I die too? Must Gilgamesh be like that?’...He said to himself that he would seek the son of Ubartutu, Utnapishtim, he the only one of men by means of whom he might find out how death could be avoided,” (Ferry 48). This enhances the aspect of death and mortality, to this union, as he is convinced to find the secret of immortality, over such a loss. In fact, the journey to gain immortality is the entire premise of the epic, signifying the notability, of the theme as a

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