Branched Chain Amino Acids Case Study

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AMINO ACIDS AND FAT LOSS Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) is something that has become increasingly popular among us who train and rightly so. BCAA is versatile and fits into many types of dietary attitudes to optimize results. Not least in the diet. BCAA consists of the amino acids leucine, valine and isoleucine. BCAA has recently been studied more and are well worth pondering as supplements during the diet for several reasons: ► BCAA is muskelbesparande during training. ► It could probably reduce the perceived fatigue during exercise. ► BCAA can reduce muscle soreness after an intense workout. ► It may be glykogenbesparande during physical activity. ► BCAA can reduce fat synthesis in hyperkaloriska diets (calorie excess). ► BCAA can increase satiety. BCAA and deff Mourier et al.1 undertook in 1997 a study on the wrestler's interesting to revisit. Mourier et al. wanted to investigate whether BCAA could…show more content…
None of the participants had any deterioration in the measured variables of physical performance (VO2max, Wingate, and muscular strength). By including BCAA in the diet, the participants could maintain good workout results while they lost more fat than if they had not used BCAA. BCAA also plays role in regulating hunger. This is probably a result of that it has an effect on blood glucose levels. 2011 hypothesized Gualano et al. BCAA helps to balance blood sugar reducing hunger and sudden desire for easily accessible food which is a clear advantage over diet2. To achieve this effect, participants were given the BCAA 300mg / kg body weight. It may also be that especially leucine has an impact on important neurotransmitters that regulate hunger and satiety in the brain. This is something that has been observed in studies on mice. It is also part of the explanation why a high protein diet leads to a higher degree of

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