Boo Radley Journal

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I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and I am on page 42. Thus far this book is about a young girl named Scout and her family, which consists of her brother Jem and father Atticus. What she enjoys most about summertime are her adventures with her friend Dill, who is fascinated with Boo Radley a malevolent phantom. Once Dill moves back home Scout has a rocky start to the beginning of the school year. In this journal I will be predicting and evaluating. G- I predict the kids will not meet Boo. Y- Boo has not been seen. R- He does not leave the house. R- He has been locked up. Y- The kids are scared of him. R- Ghost stories have been told of him. R- He stabbed his dad. G- This is why the kids…show more content…
For one, Boo has not been seen in years. In fact it has been fifteen years since he has left the house. The Radley family never goes to church and the doors are never open on weekdays let alone on Sunday’s, when most peoples doors are open. Boo also has been locked up for many years. At one point in Boo’s life he was put in the basement of the courthouse for stabbing his father in the leg with a pair of scissors. Once Boo was brought home from the courthouse he was never to be seen again. Jem believes that Mr. Radley chained Boo to the bed. Also, I predict that Scout and Jem will not meet Boo because they are very scared of him. Many ghost stories have been told of Boo which leads to thier fear. Boo is an unknown mystery to Scout and Jem. People have said that at night he peeps in windows and that any small crimes in Maycomb were his. Miss Stephanie Crawford told the kids she saw Boo staring straight at her through the window, and later found his tracks in her yard. Tales have been told that he eats raw squirrels and cats. Also they are scared because he stabbed his dad with a pair of scissors. Boo was 33 when the incident occured. He supposedly was cutting up a newspaper and when his father passed, he stabbed his father in the thigh. Boo was then put in the courthouse basement for his actions. For the reasons that Boo has not been seen and Scout and Jem are terrified of him I predict the kids will not meet…show more content…
First, Burris Ewell is a boy in Scout’s first grade class. Burris has what is called the cooties. The cootie or bug per se crawled right out of Burris’s hair. Burris had then found one of the cooties in his hair and pinched it between his fingers. Burris is also very rude. Miss Caroline told him to go home and wash his hair. When she does this he starts to back mouth Miss Caroline and tells her off. He then becomes very angry and yells at her and does not leave the building till he knows she is crying. Then comes the Ewell family as a whole. For one, they are a disgrace to the town. The family has never done actual work and they live like animals. Also, their father could not care less about his children, and lets them do as they please. The family also gets away with breaking rules and laws. The children only go to school on the first day so their name is on the school roll. Their father hunts out of season all the time, but most people eventually become blind to these activities. From the information above one can tell that the Ewell family is filthy, rude, and a disgrace to the town of
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