Blood Brother Thesis

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In the positive sense of the word, a Blood brother is not a ‘Rebel without a cause’ but a person with a state of mind, and an unconditional love for his people that he, that Blood brother would die for, if need be. This is the true meaning of a Blood brother, and not the other way around as portrayed by the media press-‘A gang of thugs. Malcolm X stated, “The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make a criminal look like he's the victim and make the victim look like he's the criminal.”(Malcolm X speaks, by George Breitman, 1965 Grove Press/pp.93) When Malcolm, was asked for the first time about the Blood brothers while touring Nigeria and the Algiers, He stated, “As far as I am concerned, everybody who…show more content…
Four of them received 26 yrs. and 8 months, which is natural life, before being eligible to see the parole board. How fortunate after 8 yrs., the council was changed over to Attorney William Kunstler, who went to bat for them and was able to win a reversal for another trial that forted them a time served. The other two Latif and Malik asked for a separate trial, but were convicted and sent back for a term of Natural life. Latif did 15 and Malik did 25…show more content…
These men were trained in combat techniques of Judo/self-defense, and drilled in a military format (And the use of some firearms for self-defense). It is even told that Master Fard Muhammad himself (Founder of the NOI and teacher to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) was said to have traveled to the Far East Orient, and on that note-taught his top Ministers vanguard techniques. The term FOI is from the NOI temple supreme wisdom lesson (120). As listed in The Lost and Found Muslim lesson number one, the 12th degree or the 12th question and

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