Morte D. Arthur Vs. Morte D Arthur

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Reality vs. Myth Sir Thomas Malory was influenced by the knights in his time to write “Morte d’ Arthur.” Sir Malory was born in Warwickshire, England, sometime around 1405. As a young man, Malory was a fairly wealthy landowner. He became a knight in 1442 and served in Parliament in 1445. He became involved in crime and allied himself politically with people and groups who opposed the royal government. He spent several years in prison for his crimes and political alle-giances while in prison Malory wrote “Morte d’ Arthur.” THESIS STATEMENT? Knights are warriors who fought on horseback, in return for land, they pledged them-selves as vassals to the king. Knights were not simply fighting men ( They helped kings and lords manage…show more content…
Candidate for knighthood began training as a page at the age of 7, they are sent to live in the castle of their lord, learning social graces and skills such as fencing and hunting. At 13 or 14 they became squires and begin to practice fighting on horseback. Squires served as assistant to knights both in the castle and on the battlefield. At 21 a squire could become a knight himself, kneeling before the lord of the manor to be “dubbed” on the shoulder with a sword. The duty of a middle age knight is to learn how to fight and serve their lord according to the code of chivalry. The code of chivalry dictated that Knights should be merciful, humility, honor, sacrifice, fear of God, faithfulness, courage, utmost graciousness and courtesy to ladies…show more content…
They take land to increase their own power and attempt to pull the sword from the stone because they know it would mean being crowned king. “And when they had seen the writing, some-those that would be King- tried to remove the sword from the stone. But none could move either the sword or the stone” (Morte d’ Arthur). Even after Arthur has removed the sword, the nobles refuse to accept him as king and delay his coronation. Sir Kay’s behavior is also held up as a contrast to Arthur’s. While Sir Kay is not shown to be an outright villain or even a bad person, he is an opportunist. Like the other nobles, he seeks power. “He rode up to his father and said, Sir, see here the Sword of the Stone-which means that I must be King of this land” (Morte d’ Arthur). Sir Kay has failed to live up to the chivalric code by behaving in ways that are selfish rather than selfless. He is not a heroic figure, he constantly presented as a hot tempered, sharp-tongued fellow, and he is generally abusive to those whom he perceives weaker than himself (edu/Camelot/theme/Arthur). He has not shown himself to be an example of moral decency and honesty. Arthur on the other hand, not only shows intelligence, and strength, he demonstrates many of the five knightly

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