Change In Heavenly Creatures, By Peter Jackson

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Self is an ever changing thing. Through people, emotions and life experiences our lives impact us in ways which continually mold and change us as human beings. Change in ourselves in something that is constant no matter what. Heavenly Creatures by Peter Jackson is a film that revisits the questionable and dangerous relationship between two girls coming of age; Pauline Parker and Juliet Hulme. Throughout this film we see the the two girls grow up. We see the friendship/relationship between Pauline and Juliet ever changing into something once innocent and sweet, into something dark and sinister. This visual text is a good example that self is an ever changing thing. This is shown as the girls change into completely different people all the way through this film. This is shown by…show more content…
Peter Jackson utilizes fantasy scenes to demonstrate to us that self is an ever changing through the appearance of Borovnia and the fourth world. At the beginning of the film, the girls are lonely innocent young girls on the brink of becoming teenagers. An example of the girls changing is how the fantasy world develops. Jackson used this in a way which we can follow the self changing of the girls through watching the fourth world. At the beginning of the film the world first appears to the girls as a safe haven, a beautiful land where the girls could be free of their reality and flourish and be happy. The world is occupied by clay figures who seem to act as stand ins for the adults in their lives. Throughout the movie as the girls change into darker people so does their other reality. They begin using the fourth world as a way of letting out their anger and frustration with the own lives. The girls feel trapped and misunderstood, and start looking at Borovnia as a place they

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